Week15—Before Armageddon

Since I'm going to take my CET-6 exam, this post will be written in English. My English is very poor, and this post may be the only review before the exam.

I didn't post Week15 until today, because last weekend I was totally occupied. It's a pity that there's no time for me to edit my post last week (Actually, neither is now).

Pre on Exoplanet

On Star & Planet course on Thursday, I had a presentation on exoplanet atmosphere with my awesome partner. Honestly I only prepared it for a week, I would be impossible to make it without my awesome partner.

Plain PPT slides

Pre on Meme

On Friday, I had another presentation on Meme for Writing and Communication course. I made my PPT slides in abundance of memes. As the consequence, the classroom is full of joyful air. Thanks my teacher so much for not expelling me.

Mutation of memes

Busy weekend

Again, I took another trip to CAS (Chinese Academy of Science) on Saturday with Xuetang class. This time I had a glance through the department of physic, where I spent half a day, listened to 2 reports and visited 4 labs. I cannot understand it, but I was very impressed.

Later, It's time for dinner. I had a nice hot pot with other members of class committee. Very spicy.

After nightfall, we have a Seminar of Complex Analysis, which is indeed complex. \[ \oint_C f(\unicode{128516})d\unicode{128516}=2\pi i\sum_{\unicode{128517}\in D}\mathrm{Res}f(\unicode{128517}) \] The Celebration of Jisedai took place on Sunday, leaving me an enormous impression. To my surprise, my 2-D concentration seems far too low there.

As summer approaches, the year of freshman comes to an end. The news of Gaokao lets me recall my past, and also reminds me there's no going back. Days have gone with the wind, I got a little bit older, but still bold.

Precious footage